Few people can write about and honour their own 'examined life' with such beauty, insight, and nobility. 💜

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Tears with this one. Thank you for sharing your story. The vulnerability you meets us with is a gift. In that mirror I catch a glimpse of the eudaimonity of my own soul. Who AM I? That’s a question I often write about. It’s a question that I live into. In the synchronosophy of becoming “who I am” I am twice born. In this unfolding discovery, I sail towards “home”. Thank you for being the prevailing wind. Your wisdom and your words are truly an angel. 🙏❤️ Thank you.

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This is fascinating to me, Veronika! Loss of identity...oooh, I'm excited to ponder this in depth. It occurs to me that I have a tendency to think in terms of 'why am I' rather than 'who am I' and now I wonder if there are some frozen emotions underlying that tendency. I'd also love to get your thoughts on the significance of context or relationship on identity. I've often wondered if those things that can feel to me like a loss of self are actually more about separation, about cutting myself off from the context of self (which is also part of the self), and in that way making myself less whole. I loved this article so much! Thank you for your vulnerability here. It brought to mind many things I hadn't thought about for a while, but that I suspect need some time in the light.

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Feb 19Liked by Veronika Bond

many thanks Veronika, to share your story and struggles. With a half German mother I recognise the coldness and the “pull your self together”.Also my father was raised in a concentration camp during the war and only have the message: weakness is dead… So I learned to survive and take care of my kids as a single mother, thinking that working hard and fix all hurdles will save all lives issues. But now Im older I understand I did not come to the earth to make a living and a paycheck. As I child I tolk to an “imaginary” guardian angel als my real father and due to your writing I remember that. I could not fix the emotional issues of my kids This year I stopped working, found a rural place to find peace and have time to follow your advise to look into the mirror to connect to my eudaimonity of my own soul…. Thank you tor walking this road with us…. Bless you!

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Yes. The True Voice IAMLOVEIAM. Thank you.

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Whew this was such a deeply profound and personal journey. Thank you for inviting us into your world.

I believe you are right - for me, the personal journey taken that results in wisdom gained is just as important, if not more important, than the wisdom itself. In fact the life lived IS the wisdom. That's one of the reasons I loved reading this - it's exactly what I believe the world needs more of... the intimacy of experience entwined with the wisdom discovered.

And I found this particularly beautiful:

"I spent some months, perhaps half an hour each day, in conversation with myself in front of a mirror. I never gave myself any pep talks. It didn’t occur to me and would have felt patronising. Instead, I spoke and listened to my ‘Sensitive Self’. I asked her what it was all about."

Your eudaimon must have been (and still IS) undoubtedly thrilled. :)

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