After reading this wonderful posting, one can't but help start to imagine some of the many ways in which life on planet earth would become kinder, more creative and less toxic were we to bravely go further down the road of self-love -- a kind of surrender to the deeper truth about ourselves that inhabits every cell of our bodies. The Abrahamic religions with their vengeful and jealous God seem to have made Western Culture particularly prone to self-hate, and therefore as a Westerner (and evangelical-christianity-survivor) the challenge has been acute.

Extending relationships to how we relate to situations (and not just people) opens up a great new way to resolve the various "I'm-in-the-wrong-film" material scenarios we can sometimes find ourselves in. I know there is a lot more mileage to be travelled on this topic in future postings. I look forward to them (cue: and so should everybody else 😊 ).

The ongoing hard sell of 'Salvation by Technology" will bring with it increased authoritarianism (as one can well see in China with its 700 million cameras), and self-love-knowledge might be the only energy/force capable of empowering us genuinely in such critical times. What you are writing is a life-line both now and for the future. 💜

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Very, very beautiful, Veronika! ♥️ I so agree, relationship with self is paramount. And it's fractal. As within, so without. I love that the symbiocene is all about animistic/panpsychism values. It's an extraordinary model you've developed, thank you so much for sharing it with the world. And I am wholly intrigued by the exercise with the chalice and sword. I'm going to give that one a try myself. 🤗

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Thank you Veronika. Goose bumps with this one as I was leaning into Theodore Roszaks’s book on being an elder. The theme has been writing through me.

Are there any real elders left? Will there be any in the future if most of us never truly even encounter adulthood? Bill Plotkin writes to this well.


Who will guide us? IRSS is rampant.

The journey from fear to love is the miracle of our lives. Self love is the door to self forgiveness and self healing. Synchronosophy. Shift happens.

Delphi and Blake sing loudly. Having stood in that place in Greece and having got lost in between the words of the other I see the path. It always takes the poetry of self love to guide the way home in the symbiocene.

This was a wonderful article I will chew on slowly! Your own story so captivating.

You and Josh are elders. Thanks for lighting the way.

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There is much to unpack here, but love is the beginning and the end. When I was in grade school, we were taught bible stories, including the creation myth and Adam and Eve. I never understood the story as just.

As a six-year-old, I asked why should people suffer afterward because Adam & Eve "sinned." Well, I got the usual unsatisfying answer. Unsatisfying, because my inner being knew it was nonesense. Childhood innocence should not be ignored.

I did not grow up in a home with much love or validation or acceptance. I am not angry with my parents, since they could not break free from their own demons. I have, with varying degrees of success, understood what has kept me from love and acceptance of my Self. Judgment and Criticism get in the way.

I love William Blake and Charlie Chaplin and see much wisdom in the grain of sand and in the little tramp.

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Mar 17Liked by Veronika Bond

Thank you Veronika, for sharing this new part ! in the first 2/3 I thought I love myself already, but your apotheosis changed my mind completely. My selflove is merely based on my self acceptance due to the fact I felt I met the standards of my upbringing.. but I learned from you that is not self love… I really need more tine and rereading for the fullest understanding. Thank you for opening my eyes!

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Mar 16Liked by Veronika Bond

This is amazing! And packed full of great life lessons, written beautifully! Love is always something to think about and hopefully feel! Thank you for sharing this!

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This is a wonderful post! Your posts are so rich with wisdom, I need to read it over and over again! To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance, Oscar Wilde said. I think he is right. Self-love is not a destination but a way of living. And it is indeed the key to happiness, freedom and a fulfilled life. 💕🙏 Thanks for your words!

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Mar 17Liked by Veronika Bond

yes Veronika, that will surely be very helpfull. Looking foreward to that! 🥰

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Mar 16Liked by Veronika Bond

Yes! You are totally inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story!❤️

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