Apr 13Liked by Veronika Bond

I have taken so many notes from this sweeping chapter that I think I should’ve just copied the entire chapter! Beginning with a wholeness that includes brokenness, and ending with a living universe “in a cyclical process of interaction between the implicit and the explicit.”

Your synchronosophy shines with a truth so necessary for humanity’s next evolution and healing. Is this the end of your book? If so, I need to now go back to the beginning and start again.

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Wonderful and deeply contagious writing here Veronika. Thank you. It takes me to a place I somehow know but cannot explain. A place where I bit into the fruit of knowledge and surrendered to the chaos that swallowed me home. The holorhythm still swims through my veins. I am awaiting eagerly the next piece/part of this story of remembrance. Your gift of words found you in Tunisia. Bless those words that found you then and the ones you shine a cascade of light with today 🙏❤️

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Apr 17·edited Apr 21Liked by Veronika Bond

This wondrousness extends week after week. What I found especially interesting is (referring back to a previous post) how initial starting conditions set the deep meme/scene/story which is rarely questioned and on which whole civilisations are built -- and eventually fall.

Is all of life about redemption from a terrible sin (making one's whole life be about getting from minus, to nought, the starting grid) ... ?

... or is life about a quest for growth in consciousness, kick-started by a sink-or-swim biting off more than one could chew initially, but which opens doors (from nought to infinity), joining in with a cosmic adventure of implicate-order unfoldment?

Whichever one believes in, it involves two very different ways of approaching life.

Wonderful write again. 💜

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Yes. Beautifully expressed direct experience Veronika. I, too, can relate to all that you shared as I had a similar experience .... And I AM STILL HERE TOO. Thank you.

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Apr 13Liked by Veronika Bond

... free will.. do our choices seal our fate?

"We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

What are the lessons we are supposed to learn?

Cause and consequence? Good begets good?

Love and forgiveness?

Why do we have a soul?

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David Bohm is an interesting theoretical physicist whose views on the quantum theory departed from the Bohr Model. Bohm also thought that Art & Science should not have been divided into two separate spheres of knowledge, but merged, as it was before the mechanistic model took hold.

This Cartesian Model, still in use, has nevertheless reached its limits. Humans are not machines, and the mind is not the brain. This is established.

Another interesting note. Erich Fromm wrote in an essay I read long ago, perhaps it was 30 years, but I still remember it, that Adam & Eve had to disobey, had to rebel, in order for humans to be free. That without disobeying the injunction, there would have not been the beginning of humanity.

This is how Fromm, the noted humanist saw the myth. I tend to agree. And finally your story of what took place in Tunisia does speak of some unity of consciousness. So, we are back to what Bohm grappled with.

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a fascinating read - thank you!

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