This article shows how deep truths that have been elucidated decades ago, even centuries ago, can journey forward though time with minimal recognition, and thankfully eventually get gathered up, reconfirmed, and articulated for a new generation -- thirsty for some original and trustworthy input and clarity, pertinent to a contemporary and troubled society.
What struck me was that if you really want to understand something (or someone) you have to "walk a mile in their shoes" - ie: live the subjective experience. And this is the fundamental invitation of both Raoul Francé and Johann Goethe -- to engage in the true scientific method, to walk in the shoes of 'tender empiricism' where 'true seeing' becomes possible by an act of both humility and courage, by allowing oneself to meld into the negative experience in all its intensity -- and understand afresh.
It reminds me also of a couple of lines from Mary Oliver's poem "The Summer Day" where she writes: "... this grasshopper I mean -- / ... / who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes." How would it be to see the world through the 'multi-eyes' of a grasshopper? What an amazing reality would be perceived from such a place!
And likewise the invitation of Synchronosophy is to 'step inside' oneself and see the world subjectively, by walking in the shoes of Soul, Inspiration, Intuition, Imagination, Instinct .. and more.
I like the images of the compound eyes of an arthropod (grasshopper < honeybee < dragonfly) with their ability to 'discriminate detail', detect movement and navigate by 'ultraviolet vision'.
And walking in the shoes of the Faculties. This is inner tender empiricism 💕🙏
“From the symbiocentric point of view, every NSE should be respected as a symbiont. NSEs are regular living phenomena occurring within the mystery of human life.” This chapter bears endless wisdom, and I especially appreciate how it can be applied from the microscopic all the way to the macroscopic. In Classical Chinese Medicine, the relationships between wood, fire, metal, water, and earth can be seen and felt n our natural world, but practitioners understand all disease patterns within the context of these relationships within as well. Your symbiocentric point of view is in great alignment with this 5000 year old medicine, though I see you taking it a step further in that you identify the negative experiences as phenomena to join, hold, understand and co-create with instead of eradicate. Your work is STUNNING.
Oh, thank you SO very much for this feedback!! I have studied the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine a little bit, mainly via the Qi Gong practice. I feel it gives us a far deeper understanding of the human organism, life, the organism of planet Earth and the universe. But my work has come to me spontaneously, unsolicited, via inspiration, NOT because I studied those other systems before (and my knowledge of TCM is still very superficial). I felt from the beginning that it must all tie together with the ancient truths... and found most resonance in Taoism.
YES! Your observation of how we work with the negative experiences in Synchronosophy is correct. They are the focus of this work, and they hold the key to unlock our greatest gifts.
I think one of the main differences between my model of the human microcosm and all ancient cosmologies is that it shows the universal principles within the inner world. Which is exciting, because very empowering. It means we can ~ in principle ~ resolve all our shit by ourselves from the inside out (in theory! In practice there is still a lot to learn!!!)
Ok, I have bookmarked this post and plan to print it out to read again and again. The wisdom you share here is profound. As we've talked about before, my work and your work overlap with the general message of moving towards a more relational way; that we are, in fact relationship. But what you present here has deepened my understanding of it all to an indescribable level. I recognize the Keepers of Integrity as some of the archetypes I've come to know, but framed within the Noctarine this way is like something really just clicked within me. As far as NSEs go, in recent months I've started a practice of pulling these apparent non-preferred situations into me for a hug. I come to love them this way, but also I make them a part of me, I include them rather than exclude them. Learning to relate well really does begin there, doesn't it? As always, thank you so much for your work!
Also, I have a funny story...a few years ago, I was having a dream about the "nodes" of each individual in this universal consciousness. In the dream, a wise disembodied voice told me the name of these nodes. Even in the dream, I kept telling myself that I HAD to remember this name when I woke up. But then I woke up and could not recall the name. Ugh. A spirit guide said, "Just say the first words that come to mind." I glanced around my room, saw my clock and then my feline bestie and shouted out the phrase "time cat"! Lol. So that's what I'd been calling the nodes ever since. I have journals full of notes referring to time cats. Still cracks me up.
How wonderful Jenna. YES we are relational. Our experiences are relational. The whole universe is relational. We are 'nodes of Consciousness' and ~ in my understanding ~ we can only relate adequately to 'universal Consciousness' when we are in a sound/ coherent relationship with ourselves. The Noctarine is a map which helps with that process of bringing all our 'inner bits' in relationship to each other and 'Self' so to speak.
I totally resonate with the understanding consciousness as you share it. What a beautiful read. I’ll read it a few times. Every read brings in the hermeneutics of awareness and the remembrance of something my bones forgot. The noctarine is calling! Thank you Veronika 🙏❤️
Powerfully insightful. I'd not read this essay before I wrote "Breakfront" and, if I'm correct, part of what I experienced and described in that chapter of the memoir that you commented on so empathically relates to this depth of explanation of Synchonosophy. Finding oneself through loss is no easy journey, but with care and patience can lead to self-discovery and even resilience, perhaps?
I know. This chapter only 'went up' a few hours ago. So I was still very much in 'that mode' when reading your chapter soon afterwards, and it struck me how much your experience resonates with my explorations, writing (and practice) of Synchronosophy.
Finding oneself through loss (or other soul-pain) ~ that's totally my experience. When we let ourselves 'go into the pain' (rather than trying to avoid it, which is impossible anyway) this journey always takes us deeper into ourselves ~ and |miraculously| also brings us closer to our beloved ones.
Not easy, for sure. But the only one worthwhile (IMHO) Care + patience = essential equipment for the journey. Self-discovery + resilience = part of the treasure to be gained.
Thank you for sharing your journey and accompanying mine 💕🙏
Again, much to unpack here and much to think about. I am glad that you brought up objectivity vs subjectivity, because I have believed that objectivity is never achievable for humans, since we all perceive the world through our subjective experiences, including or especially adverse ones from childhood.
When I brought thus up in my journalism classes 30 years ago, I was met with strong resistance from the professor and fellow students, who agreed with him or her. Yet, I stood firm in what I knew to be true. My truth; my exleriences.
I am glad that you raised the issue of objectivity, which too many take means a capital T Truth. I think this is a holdover from the Bible, but it does not match my experience and what I see in our natural world, which cannot be contained by the empiricist method.
So, thank you, I do not feel so alone in my thinking.
30 years ago, the world wasn't ready for free thinkers/ spirits (maybe it never quite is) or we have become stronger, clearer, and a little wiser?
I know, right? objectivity = facts = capital T Truth, and if you (or I) cautiously suggest that there might be other options, you're accused of "confirmation bias"...
It is eventful that you mention free thinker; 30 years ago, I was called just that by a pastor. He meant it not as a compliment, and yet I took it in that way.
Thank you Veronika. 🙏 All of this wisdom and knowledge, connecting the dots. I think I am only on about dot 3 and I will find myself going around in circles for a while ... eternity 🤣 WOW. Interesting, the notion of truth. Is Truth - Universal Law and our subjective human experiences our reality therefore? That leads us to seeking truth? For me, the 'negative' experiences have lead me to seek truth and in doing so, find the spiritual gifts. Is this part of our individual and collective purpose? The 'universe', working on vibrational frequencies and matching what resonates is without judgement? We attach the labels as part of the human (ego) experience (vibrational alignment) of the physical Earth plane of comparison and contrast. And yes, I think it is all relational, given we are all connected and creators? I have a brain ache, in a good way.🤣💜
Yes! Negative experiences, if we accept them as an invitation for seeking truth, always lead to finding treasure. That is my experience too.
Although we can try to refrain from judgement, it can be really hard to do (as long as we're human). However, if we can recognise that negative experiences are always authentic*, that's a big step already towards finding truth.
* they're authentic because we never choose them. Negative experiences can be taken as 'messages from the universe', and the universe is always authentic. So the best thing we can do (in my experience) is to acknowledge those 'buggers' and find out what the universe wants to tell us...
I'm sure you have experienced that principle on your journey with grief. 💙
Negative experiences, an invitation to seek truth … love that clarity 😊. Yes, judgment is hard to refrain from, so l try (often without success 🤣) to acknowledge to myself the belief behind my judgement, accept l have beliefs , that’s ok, we are human as you say. I think the challenge is to not identify with the belief, know that it is part of my human story. It has helped me turn away from conflict that is driven by being combative, for the sake of it. Universal Truth doesn’t need defending in the argumentative sense … that seems to be the biggest learning for me. And yes, my grief experience has definitely shaped how l have, and still endeavouring to listen and understand universal laws, soul agreements etc. Thanks for having the conversation Veronika, much appreciated. 💜🧚♀️🙏
It's very hard not to identify with our beliefs. (in my interpretation of belief = be-live = 'what we believe is what we live by.')
However, I have found a special 'hack' to transform negative (= self-sabotaging) beliefs, which I'll explain in one of the future chapters of Synchronosophy.
Great, I look forward to that wisdom. 🙏 try to transform my self-sabotaging beliefs by identifying the underlying fear, from whence it came ... and what would my soul advise my human self? It has helped me recognise, understand and accept (surrender) to the traumas ... de-identify with that conditioning. Learning to take charge of my emotional self, my responses ... compassion for self and others ... in the patterns of inter generational trauma ... body and soul. Have faith and trust in the Universe. Hoe that makes sense?💜
I feel like a deck of cards, and over the years I have turned a good amount face up to see their image and understand parts of me. But you have turned card after card in this series, connecting the hard to connect, revealing the relationships. Just now you have illustrated the name of my substack. Guardening the Spheres is precisely about exploring the body of consciousness and its different perspectives. Your work of finding the words that go with the images is so playful and inspiring, yes tender too. I find myself adopting many of them as long lost children....
Oh how wonderful Bertus! What a most beautiful feedback 💖🙏
It has taken a long time, opening the space for a word, receiving words, holding them for a while or a year, or ten, then having to let them go again because my understanding has shifted, opening the mindspace again... etc.
Guardening the Spheres! Of course!! We have been working on the same mysterious plane in our parallel bubbles. And here we are, inevitably bouncing into each other. Feel free to adopt! Wild words love to be adopted by wild minds & hearts.
Yes, my work is not academic or intellectual (although my background training comes from that place). Because It is vital to embrace all Faculties, I do my best to let them all contribute to my writing – Imagination, Instinct, Intuition, Inspiration, etc. You know what I mean...
This article shows how deep truths that have been elucidated decades ago, even centuries ago, can journey forward though time with minimal recognition, and thankfully eventually get gathered up, reconfirmed, and articulated for a new generation -- thirsty for some original and trustworthy input and clarity, pertinent to a contemporary and troubled society.
What struck me was that if you really want to understand something (or someone) you have to "walk a mile in their shoes" - ie: live the subjective experience. And this is the fundamental invitation of both Raoul Francé and Johann Goethe -- to engage in the true scientific method, to walk in the shoes of 'tender empiricism' where 'true seeing' becomes possible by an act of both humility and courage, by allowing oneself to meld into the negative experience in all its intensity -- and understand afresh.
It reminds me also of a couple of lines from Mary Oliver's poem "The Summer Day" where she writes: "... this grasshopper I mean -- / ... / who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes." How would it be to see the world through the 'multi-eyes' of a grasshopper? What an amazing reality would be perceived from such a place!
And likewise the invitation of Synchronosophy is to 'step inside' oneself and see the world subjectively, by walking in the shoes of Soul, Inspiration, Intuition, Imagination, Instinct .. and more.
I like the images of the compound eyes of an arthropod (grasshopper < honeybee < dragonfly) with their ability to 'discriminate detail', detect movement and navigate by 'ultraviolet vision'.
And walking in the shoes of the Faculties. This is inner tender empiricism 💕🙏
“From the symbiocentric point of view, every NSE should be respected as a symbiont. NSEs are regular living phenomena occurring within the mystery of human life.” This chapter bears endless wisdom, and I especially appreciate how it can be applied from the microscopic all the way to the macroscopic. In Classical Chinese Medicine, the relationships between wood, fire, metal, water, and earth can be seen and felt n our natural world, but practitioners understand all disease patterns within the context of these relationships within as well. Your symbiocentric point of view is in great alignment with this 5000 year old medicine, though I see you taking it a step further in that you identify the negative experiences as phenomena to join, hold, understand and co-create with instead of eradicate. Your work is STUNNING.
Oh, thank you SO very much for this feedback!! I have studied the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine a little bit, mainly via the Qi Gong practice. I feel it gives us a far deeper understanding of the human organism, life, the organism of planet Earth and the universe. But my work has come to me spontaneously, unsolicited, via inspiration, NOT because I studied those other systems before (and my knowledge of TCM is still very superficial). I felt from the beginning that it must all tie together with the ancient truths... and found most resonance in Taoism.
YES! Your observation of how we work with the negative experiences in Synchronosophy is correct. They are the focus of this work, and they hold the key to unlock our greatest gifts.
I think one of the main differences between my model of the human microcosm and all ancient cosmologies is that it shows the universal principles within the inner world. Which is exciting, because very empowering. It means we can ~ in principle ~ resolve all our shit by ourselves from the inside out (in theory! In practice there is still a lot to learn!!!)
Ok, I have bookmarked this post and plan to print it out to read again and again. The wisdom you share here is profound. As we've talked about before, my work and your work overlap with the general message of moving towards a more relational way; that we are, in fact relationship. But what you present here has deepened my understanding of it all to an indescribable level. I recognize the Keepers of Integrity as some of the archetypes I've come to know, but framed within the Noctarine this way is like something really just clicked within me. As far as NSEs go, in recent months I've started a practice of pulling these apparent non-preferred situations into me for a hug. I come to love them this way, but also I make them a part of me, I include them rather than exclude them. Learning to relate well really does begin there, doesn't it? As always, thank you so much for your work!
Also, I have a funny story...a few years ago, I was having a dream about the "nodes" of each individual in this universal consciousness. In the dream, a wise disembodied voice told me the name of these nodes. Even in the dream, I kept telling myself that I HAD to remember this name when I woke up. But then I woke up and could not recall the name. Ugh. A spirit guide said, "Just say the first words that come to mind." I glanced around my room, saw my clock and then my feline bestie and shouted out the phrase "time cat"! Lol. So that's what I'd been calling the nodes ever since. I have journals full of notes referring to time cats. Still cracks me up.
Time Cat ~ why not? now the cat's out of the bag 😉
I'm curious, what does 'time cat' mean to you?
How wonderful Jenna. YES we are relational. Our experiences are relational. The whole universe is relational. We are 'nodes of Consciousness' and ~ in my understanding ~ we can only relate adequately to 'universal Consciousness' when we are in a sound/ coherent relationship with ourselves. The Noctarine is a map which helps with that process of bringing all our 'inner bits' in relationship to each other and 'Self' so to speak.
I totally resonate with the understanding consciousness as you share it. What a beautiful read. I’ll read it a few times. Every read brings in the hermeneutics of awareness and the remembrance of something my bones forgot. The noctarine is calling! Thank you Veronika 🙏❤️
that's so good to hear, Jamie. You are most welcome 🫶
Powerfully insightful. I'd not read this essay before I wrote "Breakfront" and, if I'm correct, part of what I experienced and described in that chapter of the memoir that you commented on so empathically relates to this depth of explanation of Synchonosophy. Finding oneself through loss is no easy journey, but with care and patience can lead to self-discovery and even resilience, perhaps?
I know. This chapter only 'went up' a few hours ago. So I was still very much in 'that mode' when reading your chapter soon afterwards, and it struck me how much your experience resonates with my explorations, writing (and practice) of Synchronosophy.
Finding oneself through loss (or other soul-pain) ~ that's totally my experience. When we let ourselves 'go into the pain' (rather than trying to avoid it, which is impossible anyway) this journey always takes us deeper into ourselves ~ and |miraculously| also brings us closer to our beloved ones.
Not easy, for sure. But the only one worthwhile (IMHO) Care + patience = essential equipment for the journey. Self-discovery + resilience = part of the treasure to be gained.
Thank you for sharing your journey and accompanying mine 💕🙏
Absolutely. So glad we found each other.
Again, much to unpack here and much to think about. I am glad that you brought up objectivity vs subjectivity, because I have believed that objectivity is never achievable for humans, since we all perceive the world through our subjective experiences, including or especially adverse ones from childhood.
When I brought thus up in my journalism classes 30 years ago, I was met with strong resistance from the professor and fellow students, who agreed with him or her. Yet, I stood firm in what I knew to be true. My truth; my exleriences.
I am glad that you raised the issue of objectivity, which too many take means a capital T Truth. I think this is a holdover from the Bible, but it does not match my experience and what I see in our natural world, which cannot be contained by the empiricist method.
So, thank you, I do not feel so alone in my thinking.
Well, thank you❣️ and likewise!
30 years ago, the world wasn't ready for free thinkers/ spirits (maybe it never quite is) or we have become stronger, clearer, and a little wiser?
I know, right? objectivity = facts = capital T Truth, and if you (or I) cautiously suggest that there might be other options, you're accused of "confirmation bias"...
I'm very grateful for finding kindred spirits 💕🙏
It is eventful that you mention free thinker; 30 years ago, I was called just that by a pastor. He meant it not as a compliment, and yet I took it in that way.
Thank you Veronika. 🙏 All of this wisdom and knowledge, connecting the dots. I think I am only on about dot 3 and I will find myself going around in circles for a while ... eternity 🤣 WOW. Interesting, the notion of truth. Is Truth - Universal Law and our subjective human experiences our reality therefore? That leads us to seeking truth? For me, the 'negative' experiences have lead me to seek truth and in doing so, find the spiritual gifts. Is this part of our individual and collective purpose? The 'universe', working on vibrational frequencies and matching what resonates is without judgement? We attach the labels as part of the human (ego) experience (vibrational alignment) of the physical Earth plane of comparison and contrast. And yes, I think it is all relational, given we are all connected and creators? I have a brain ache, in a good way.🤣💜
Yes! Negative experiences, if we accept them as an invitation for seeking truth, always lead to finding treasure. That is my experience too.
Although we can try to refrain from judgement, it can be really hard to do (as long as we're human). However, if we can recognise that negative experiences are always authentic*, that's a big step already towards finding truth.
* they're authentic because we never choose them. Negative experiences can be taken as 'messages from the universe', and the universe is always authentic. So the best thing we can do (in my experience) is to acknowledge those 'buggers' and find out what the universe wants to tell us...
I'm sure you have experienced that principle on your journey with grief. 💙
Negative experiences, an invitation to seek truth … love that clarity 😊. Yes, judgment is hard to refrain from, so l try (often without success 🤣) to acknowledge to myself the belief behind my judgement, accept l have beliefs , that’s ok, we are human as you say. I think the challenge is to not identify with the belief, know that it is part of my human story. It has helped me turn away from conflict that is driven by being combative, for the sake of it. Universal Truth doesn’t need defending in the argumentative sense … that seems to be the biggest learning for me. And yes, my grief experience has definitely shaped how l have, and still endeavouring to listen and understand universal laws, soul agreements etc. Thanks for having the conversation Veronika, much appreciated. 💜🧚♀️🙏
It's very hard not to identify with our beliefs. (in my interpretation of belief = be-live = 'what we believe is what we live by.')
However, I have found a special 'hack' to transform negative (= self-sabotaging) beliefs, which I'll explain in one of the future chapters of Synchronosophy.
Great, I look forward to that wisdom. 🙏 try to transform my self-sabotaging beliefs by identifying the underlying fear, from whence it came ... and what would my soul advise my human self? It has helped me recognise, understand and accept (surrender) to the traumas ... de-identify with that conditioning. Learning to take charge of my emotional self, my responses ... compassion for self and others ... in the patterns of inter generational trauma ... body and soul. Have faith and trust in the Universe. Hoe that makes sense?💜
I feel like a deck of cards, and over the years I have turned a good amount face up to see their image and understand parts of me. But you have turned card after card in this series, connecting the hard to connect, revealing the relationships. Just now you have illustrated the name of my substack. Guardening the Spheres is precisely about exploring the body of consciousness and its different perspectives. Your work of finding the words that go with the images is so playful and inspiring, yes tender too. I find myself adopting many of them as long lost children....
Oh how wonderful Bertus! What a most beautiful feedback 💖🙏
It has taken a long time, opening the space for a word, receiving words, holding them for a while or a year, or ten, then having to let them go again because my understanding has shifted, opening the mindspace again... etc.
Guardening the Spheres! Of course!! We have been working on the same mysterious plane in our parallel bubbles. And here we are, inevitably bouncing into each other. Feel free to adopt! Wild words love to be adopted by wild minds & hearts.
Yes, my work is not academic or intellectual (although my background training comes from that place). Because It is vital to embrace all Faculties, I do my best to let them all contribute to my writing – Imagination, Instinct, Intuition, Inspiration, etc. You know what I mean...