There is so much good stuff in this posting, I'm not sure where to start. I have a deep sense of gratitude that you have "stayed the journey" with the question of negative emotions, and can now articulate so well the need and groundwork for their rehabilitation. Having been part of this conversation for 25+ years I can see, (remembering the early attempts to communicate these understandings, and several attempts thereafter), that depth and clarity have reached a level of mastery whereby to read it now is an experience suffused with joy and immense appreciation. I hope other readers know how lucky they are.

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There is a lot I can say on the subject of human emotions, but you covered it well in this article. I do not fear my negative emotions; I do not see it as necessary and good to bottle them up.

But I have also learned in my older age (66) not to share everything I feel except with a few individuals ready and capable to apprehend what I am communicating.

Trauma is very real and debilitating; this is particularly true of childhood trauma. We do not have to be victims, true; but unless we dig deep into our psyche, the trauma will have control of our lives.

It will not matter how much lies that you tell yourself---that you are "fine"--your body and your mind will say otherwise. Putting on a happy face will lead to setbacks, as will having "positive thoughts" and happy talk that are not real. Healing begins with truth telling; yes, it is painful but necessary. This has been my experience, and continues to be.

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This is excellent. Although I admit I am likely biased, since I found myself nodding along in recognition the entire way through.

Really liked how you brought in the life context of Ayn Rand and Descartes (and referred to them as “influencers” lol) - bringing intuitive emotional context to the rationalist ideas that have driven western culture for quite some time now.

So much in the Heartwood already! “Emocean” … Nature mirroring and sharing emotion… the collective Permafrost (was just having a conversation with someone about the massive frozen glacier of collective human emotion that is now beginning to thaw) … the interwoven personal sharing of your own experience … the pictures and quotes…

This is my favourite chapter on Synchrosophy yet.

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Wow. I’m sitting here in a void. Somewhere between body and soul. This piece just knocked me on my ass. I will have to read this one a few more times to take it all in. In some strange way I practised my own version of Synchronosophy. Somehow it came to me at a very young age. I realize there is still more to be revealed underneath my own permafrost. Thank you for guiding me to the places that I still need to dig. Emotions were always a place of confusion growing up in two cultures. My Greek half let them freely flow. My Celtic side, not so. I was a poem that danced between the two. Somewhere in that void lives the thirst to go deeper. Knowing there is more to set free and at the same time, a little fearful of

what might be waiting. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. 🙏❤️

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I would like to add a small addendum to my comment. It is that communicating with non-human animals and communing with Nature has energized the process (and it is a continous process) of healing from earlier traumas.

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Very much appreciated your post. Especially Rand and Decarte.

Permafrost is a good metaphore necessitating periodic warming, but I would caution about boiling it.

Thank you.

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